Tuesday 31 January 2012

Vaser 4D patient talks to SKY News

Lee was treated at Riverbanks Clinic by Dr Jain. His original surgery was filmed for MTV in Dec 2011. Watch this clip form Sky News, aired 30/1/12, discussing male cosmetic surgery.

It should be noted that Vaser 4D is NOT a weight loss solution but gives men who are self conscious about their physique an option to develop an abdominal six pack and defined body without having to resort to the extreme diet and lifestyle normally required without surgery. A healthier lifestyle is required after surgery to maintain and maximise the results. Complications can occur during or as a result of any surgery, and rarely these can be life threatening.

For more information about Vaser 4D Sculpting, see our full website.

Sunday 29 January 2012

Clinic gives student athletic physique - News - Luton Today

Every single one of our male patients who had Vaser last year, treated their chests as well. With highly advanced sculpting techniques called Vaser 4D and by using the very latest Vaser 2.0 Lipo system, we can not only remove unwanted glandular tissue in the male breast, but also carefully reshape the chest and pecs into a more muscular and athletic shape.

One of our patients who suffered so much from his gynecomastia that it restricted his choice of clothing, was so pleased with his results that he told his story to the press. You can read his story in the Luton News, link below.

Clinic gives student athletic physique - News - Luton Today

Monday 23 January 2012

Whats the difference between Vaser 4D Sculpt & Vaser Hi Def?

There is no denying that the VASER Hi-Def technique was one of the most influential body contouring procedures in the last decade. However, even earthshakers have their flaws. And as Dr. Hoyos worked more and more with Hi-Def, he realized the multiple flaws the procedure presented.

That is why he went back to the drawing board, re-imagined his creation, and has now released 4D Sculpt™ which is what I practice exclusively at Riverbanks Clinic.

The differences between 4D Sculpt™ and Hi-Def may be subtle, but when applied in the operating room, the nuances are distinctly profound. 4D Sculpt™ means the difference between clunky sculpture and natural human beauty.

Here is an in-depth explanation of the differences between VASER Hi-Def and the highly improved version, 4D Sculpt™.

VASER 4D Sculpt takes into account natural muscle movements.

VASER Hi-Def results often do not show the muscles in motion. It does not incorporate the natural progression of the body in motion. This can give rise to an 'etched' appearance rather than a natural six  pack.

How 4D Sculpt™ Fixes It:
4D Sculpt™ uses a customized combination of anatomical landmarks to prevent deformities. This ensures the newly defined muscles do what muscles are supposed to do: move! That is why 4D Sculpt™ is called 4 dimensional liposculpture. It uses height, width, depth, and dynamic motion. 4D Sculpt™ makes the natural progression of the body apparent according to muscle activity.

VASER Hi-Def is a “One Size Fits All” Procedure.

Aesthetic surgeons probably know better than anyone that every body is unique. Trying to fit a 300lb man and a 125lb woman is ineffective and produces exactly what it looks like, a “one size fits all” result. This attitude of VASER Hi-Def toward the patient causes the surgeon to be biased toward each patient, as though every body type were the same, and every individual patient just like the last.

How 4D Sculpt™ Fixes It:

4D Sculpt™ is a completely customizable procedure that takes every variable into account. A woman hoping to reverse the signs of pregnancy will be viewed much differently than a man with an excess of intraabdominal fat. An example of variables include: age, gender, body type, muscular motion, predicted weight loss, post-pregnancy markers, and so on. Every individual has their own set of different anatomical landmarks that must be taken into consideration for the final result to look like the patient’s natural body.

VASER Hi-Def is Not Dynamic Definition.

VASER Hi-Def results often appear stiff and do not move fluidly with the rest of the body. This is partially because of both the reasons stated above, because VASER Hi-Def does not plan according to each body type or according to where the muscles will move in the future. Dynamic definition encompasses the ideals of 4D Sculpt™, in that once the muscles are defined, they do not appear as though they’ve been carved out of plastic.

How 4D Sculpt™ Fixes It:
4D Sculpt™ fixes a “plastic” appearance that not only incorporates motion, but flows with it. It does this by integrating a second set of pre-surgical markings, drawn according to the patient’s muscles in a static position and in dynamic motion.

4 weeks after Vaser 4D as seen on MTV
VASER 4D Sculpt incorporates much more intensive aftercare than Hi def and this reduces the risks of complications and also speeds up recovery as well as enhancing results. You can watch a video of a treatment session here.

Click here to schedule an appointment with Dr Ravi Jain at Riverbanks Clinic or at his Harley Street consulting rooms.

Sunday 22 January 2012

Riverbanks & Vaser 4D featured on MTV

When we were asked to feature on an MTV documentary discussing the various options available to a young girl who is not happy in her own body, we were very concerned that the right message would be portrayed to her and the show's target audience. Liposuction is NOT a treatment for weight loss and should not be considered as a first option for any form of body contouring. However, for those who have honestly tried their best with diet & exercise and still find it difficult to shift those unwanted bulges, or show off their six packs, Vaser 4D Sculpting is a good, if not extreme option.
Sophie Kasaei at Riverbanks Clinic

Sophie Kasaei, star of MTV's Geordie Shores, created the documentary 'Get Thin or Die Tryin' especially for MTV in which she went on a journey to try and decided if liposuction was the right option for her. She spoke to her friends, people who have had liposuction with good results and also to one lady who had suffered horrific complications from a laser assisted liposuction. When Sophie visited Riverbanks, she met with myself, Dr Ravi Jain and my colleague Dr Alfredo Hoyos. We explained to her in the ins and outs of Vaser Liposuction and Vaser 4D Sculpting (not all of which were included in the final edit).

Sophie even got the chance to speak to one of our male patients who was about to have his 4D Sculpting procedure at the clinic. We dressed Sophie up in our brand new Riverbanks scrubs, and invited her into the operating room and watched Dr Jain carve six pack abs into the patient using the latest Vaser 4D Sculpting techniques with Dr Hoyos commentating.

I think Sophie (and the camera crew) did very well not to pass out as the procedure can be quite gory to the unaccustomed! Sophie gave a frank and honest overview of the surgery and we found her conclusions absolutely spot on. Sophie made the right decision for her. If she really wants the body she is after, then we would advise her to invest in a personal fitness & nutrition trainer for at least 6 months. If after that she wants an extra boost, then Vaser 4D maybe a good option.

You can watch the highlights of the show here:

For more information on Vaser 4D Sculpting at Riverbanks visit our website

Saturday 21 January 2012

Are the results from Vaser 4D permanent?

This is one of the most frequently asked questions I hear during my new patient clinics both in London and at my flagship clinic just outside Harpenden. Essentially, the effects of the treatment are permanent but in order to make them look natural, you stil have to make adjustments to your lifestyle. Let me explain.

Vaser 4D Sculpting uses highly advanced ultrasound-assisted-liposuction techniques to create an athletically shaped body. A large percentage of the body fat which sits just beneath the skin, is removed and if necessary transferred to other parts of the body to enhance the natural curves (eg. pectoral muscles and buttocks).

In order to enhance the appearance of certain muscle groups (such as the rectus abdominus or serratus anteriors, also known as the six pack and boxers' muscles respectively), I leave a small amount of fat over the muscles creating a bulkier appearance to the muscles.

This sculpting is PERMANENT. The fat that is left behind will expand or shrink depending on your overall nutritional status, just like any other fat. If one does put on more fat after the surgery then this tends to be distributed to areas of the body where fat cells are. Prior to surgery, this would be around your torso. However, as most of the fat cells have been permanently removed now, the fat gets stored elsewhere, such as the buttocks, thighs, face and worst of all, INTERNALLY, around your organs, such as the heart, liver and pancreas. So if one does put on a lot of visceral fat following Vaser Hi Def surgery, you may end up looking like a certain celebrity who appeared on a recent Celebrity Big Brother.

Visceral Fat
Internal fat (also know as visceral fat) is not good for you at all. It increases your risk of various life threatening diseases such as heart disease and cancers. So it is absolutely imperative that following ANY liposuction procedure, you maintain a healthy lifestyle and diet which maximises fat burning.

Many patients who I see at my clinic for lipo struggle with seeing any physical changes from their exercise and that is primarily because their diets are all wrong for their metabolism. Many people struggle to cope with a diet relatively free from bread, pasta, rice, potato and alcohol for at least 6 days of every week. However, this is what is required in many people in order to lose fat while exercising. My personal trainer James Lenaghan has coached me through my dietary & work out changes to maximise the results of my surgery as shown below:

6 months post Vaser 4D
Copyright Ravi Jain

So in summary, Vaser 4D can give you the body of your dreams. It will get you 90% of the way to achieving a natural looking athletic shape. You need to modify your diet and exercise, and then you will get 100% of the way much more quickly and with less drastic lifestyle changes than if you were to do this without surgery.

If you you would like to book a consultation at Riverbanks, please call 01582 762877

Tuesday 3 January 2012

Post-Op Aftercare following Vaser 4D Sculpt

If you've researched Vaser Lipo treatments you may have come across some people mentioning the need for after care massages. To be honest, good lymphatic drainage is essential after all forms of lipo and most lymphoedema massage therapists are experienced in treating patients following cosmetic surgery. We have found those listed on MLD UK to be very good at treating our patients who travel from long distances for their regular vaser lipo.

The post-op care following Vaser 4D Sculpt though is much more specialised as it is designed to carefully nuture back the lymphatic system to full functionality following the precise body sculpting which has been carried out during the surgery. The programme has been personally designed by Colombian plastic surgeon, Dr Hoyos, the inventor of Hi def & 4D Sculpt.

Essentially the CARE protocol uses ultrasound therapy, manual lymphatic drainage and pressuretherapy to maximise your results and comfort. We recommend 20 sessions with a minimum of 10 sessions over 2 weeks.

Here is a video of one of Dr Jain's own post op sessions following his surgery: (This video does show patient discomfort and some blood)

Dr Jain is adamant that the VASER aftercare is critical to getting outstanding results and minimising unexpected complications following your surgery. So much so that he invested in his two therapists by sending them to Dr Hoyos's clinic in Colombia to receive the most intensive and up to date training available. Both of our therapists are the ONLY ones in the UK to be trained at Dr Hoyos' clinic in Bogota. By bringing these skills back to Riverbanks, we believe we have the most qualified service for bot surgical and post op care for Vaser 4D Sculpting in the UK.

Monday 2 January 2012

Thoughts a year after my Vaser 4D Sculpting Surgery

Its been nearly a year since my Vaser 4D Sculpt procedure and since then I have radically changed my diet by excluding bread, potato, pasta, milk, rice, cheese and wheat based products for 6 days of every week. I have also increased my gym workouts to about 2-3 times a week with a personal trainer as I know I wouldn't go the gym without someone guiding me. Despite all of these major changes, my body fat still hung around 15-18% which was very frustrating for me.

Don't get me wrong though. My body shape is absolutely awesome thanks to my surgeon. My weight has been maintained at 10Kg lighter than a year ago. My blood pressure has dropped from 144/89 to 103/56 and my resting pulse is now about 60 as opposed to 82.

Without the massive headstart the surgery has given me there is no way I would have been motivated to continue the lifestyle changes I have done over the last year. But, I'm the sort of person that will always want better, and so , now I want my body to be even better.

Before Christmas I decided that in the new year I was going to really step up my efforts to improve my diet, increase my exercise to 3-4 times a week and really try to lean out, and to try and get my body fat % to 9.8%. I discussed this with my trainer, James Lengahan from New Mission, and we agreed to go on a 7 day Poliquin detox diet, on medical food and greens. No meat/milk/nuts/fat - no nothing!! This will flush out oestrogenic toxins from my body and really help give me a good start for a new year. I should lean out well in the 1st week, and then my diet should be pretty much the same as before, cutting out all white stuff!

I will post my daily diet over my journey, leading up to the anniversary of my surgery on 24th January with photos.