Saturday 9 June 2012

What to expect after liposuction - secrets to help you heal quicker!

It is important to understand that liposuction is a significant step in a lifestyle change to improve the shape of your body. After all, liposuction is a surgical operation and all the risks need to be considered carefully.

Rather than being a quick fix day case, the procedure can be a rather protracted process, and one that must not be interrupted even after the actual surgery itself has come and gone. The recovery is in fact the most important stage a patient having undergone the liposuction process must take very serious by caring carefully for their body. The ability to look after oneself after the surgery determines the overall success of the procedure.

After liposuction surgery, patients usually experience fluid drainage from their incisions. In many bigger cases, a small drainage tube can be inserted beneath the skin to stop the fluid buildup. Swelling may also occur, as well as bruising, in the regions of the body specifically addressed by the surgical process. In order to control the swellings, a fitting elastic garment can be worn over the treated areas for some weeks while antibiotics must be taken as prescribed to prevent or control infections while also enhancing recovery. Post operative aftercare treatments all help to reduce swelling, bruising, infection and improve contour and hasten recovery.

To avoid infections that could result to prolonged recovery, post surgery instructions must be taken seriously. People who don’t adhere to this, despite the warnings always end up with unnecessary complications. Please don’t be one of such people as it could be life threatening.

Pains, swelling and numbness experienced after the surgery are discomforts that can be controlled with prescribed medications as well; however, the soreness and stiffness may continue for a period, and the patient should remember that. Regular movement will improve the stiffness - i.e. don't lie around doing nothing as that will also increase the risk of developing blood clots in your veins (deep vein thrombosis).

Depression is another aftermath that has been shown to occur in several patients of a liposuction surgery. Patients who experience this can help themselves by engaging in minor social activities and seeking support from their friends and families to ease the depression. Focusing on the merits of the surgery also has been known to work for some, although generally the depression disappears on its own after a few days. Normally, depression can kick in at about day 4-5 and as long as your are social and mobile it should only last a few days. But don't be suprised by the sudden tearfulness should it occur!

The healing process begins immediately after the surgery. Serious activities should be avoided for 2-4 weeks to allow the wounds to heal and also for the stiffness to settle. Liposuction does not affect the muscles and so recovery is relatively quick.

The right diets and keeping up with appointments should also be pursued for the duration of recovery as they are very essential. Liposuction patients will have had the surgery because they have struggled to lose fat! So don't go and carry on eating the same foods you were before surgery and doing the same exercises? They obviously weren't helping. After your liposuction, we advise patients to seek the support of a nutritionist or personal fitness coach who can advise on diet and exercise programmes to maintain and further enhance your new body.

If patients follow these simple instructions, you should be able to enjoy your new body quickly and permanently.

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